The hero engages in tests or contests of strength (physical and/or mental) and shows pride in his excellence.

I participate in 'contests' of mental strength nearly every day. School itself is such a contest testing my intellect. A student of all Honors (/Renaissance), naturally we are tested and directed towards success. It's instilled in us to strive for the best as our mental capabilities are probed by the hands of the school board and state legislature. I take pride in this responsibility
The hero is naive and inexperienced.
That seems... harsh. I wouldn't put it like that. I do have much to learn in the years to come. As much as it pains me to admit it, I do not know everything! I know!
However, I do not see this as a hinderance, but rather an opportunity. We all start somewhere, and I just so happen to be living in the now. That now will become then and by then this naivety and inexperience will have lessened.
The hero goes through a rite of passage or intiation, an event that marks a change from an immature to a more immature understanding of the world.
It's hard to assign a number figure to explain. This maturity usually remains unspoken (or, sometimes is more outspoken IE college) and being a state of mind, isn't always easy to identify. I believe it depends on personal definition - to one they may consider it have happened once they feel themself emotionally mature, or they may define it by a more common landmark - college.
I can't say I've reached this level yet. I myself would like to imagine college as a material benchmark.

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